State & US Government

State of Colorado  
Jared Polis
State Capitol Bldg. 200 E Colfax., Rm 136, Denver, CO 80203
Phone: 303-866-2471
Secretary of State
Information about businesses, charities, and elections                         
Colorado General Assembly
The Colorado General Assembly is the state legislature of the State of Colorado. It is a bicameral legislature that was created by the 1876 state constitution. Colorado General Assembly
Colorado Senate District 31
Senator Chris Hansen 
200 E Colfax Street Denver CO 80203
Colorado House of Representative District 6
Steven Woodrow
200 E Colfax Rm307 Denver CO 80203
Find My Legislator
Use this tool to determine who represents you in the Colorado Legislature Find My Legislator | Colorado General Assembly
US Government
US Senate
Senator, State of Colorado-John Hickenlooper (D)
Address: 1961 Stout Street, Suite 12-300, Denver CO 80294
Phone: 303-244-1628
Senator, State of Colorado – Michael Bennet (D) : 303-455-7600
Address: 1127 Sherman St., Suite 150 Denver, CO 80203
Phone (alt): (202) 224-5852
US House
Use this tool to find out who represents you in the US House of Representatives