Parking Permit Program - CCNNA’s Objection to Proposed Changes

Beginning in 2023, Denver’s Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DOTI) began a process by which they were assessing proposed changes to the permitted parking program for Cherry Creek North residents.  The original parking program was implemented under then-Councilwoman Jeanne Robb as a way to ensure that residents would have parking close to their homes as and when the paid parking system was implemented in the business areas of Cherry Creek North.  
The program was to ensure that workers (both in the businesses and construction workers) would not be allowed to park for more than 2 hours at a time and much of the block would be off-limits all together, except for residents with permits.  But demand on parking has surged with the increased development and it is even harder to have friends, workers and family park on the residential streets, especially those closest to the business areas. So when DOTI’s Curbside Access Plan team proposed changes that are seen as even more troublesome for residents’ parking, CCNNA took action to OPPOSE these proposed changes.
Councilwoman Sawyer agrees with the residents and helped host a survey of residents who wanted to have their voices heard.  Over 615 residents responded in support of the CCNNA opposition.  Linked below are the CCNNA objection letter and attachments setting forth the opposition points and requesting reconsideration of this widely rejected proposal. 
Thank you, neighbors, for your efforts to help fight this proposal! Stand by for more on this story, as the City is now duty-bound to respond.