Upcoming Meetings

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18TH, 2025; 7:00 PM – In Person and on ZOOM
The in-person meeting was held in the Bromwell School at 4th Avenue and Columbine Street.
Topics & Speakers
Gary Jackson, distinguished, retired COLORADO JUDGE and CCN resident: Invitation to a Black History Month
Event highlighting the Cherry Creek North connection.
DENVER POLICE DISTRICT 3 Commander Joel Bell, Detective Cordova and Community Resource Officer:
Updates on criminal trends, our CCN statistics, safety, and more.
Nick LeMasters, President/CEO CCN BID: Development and construction, new businesses, area improvements,
security, and 2025 news.
Zoom Meeting Details
Meeting ID: 970 9298 9568
Passcode: 249684

Neighborhood General Resident Meetings
The CCNNA general resident meetings are held QUARTERLY, usually on the third Tuesday of February, May, August and October. The October meeting is the Annual Meeting of CCNNA for annual business such as election of officers. 
Currently, meetings are a Hybrid of online Zoom meetings and In person at Bromwell Elementary School, beginning at 7 PM. Important community issues and topics are discussed. Speaker and topic suggestions can be sent to info@ccnneighbors.com
All CCN residents and other visitors are welcome!

Dates and Topics for the next meeting will be posted here and in the Newsletter at least 2 weeks before the meeting, so check back for details!